Rubber food plate

Rubber food plate

Rubber food plate – a plate designed for the manufacture of seals of fixed joints and other products in contact with various foods. The food plate is (black, white) workable at …The plate is made of two types: rolled (thickness from 2 mm to 6 mm), sheet (shaped thickness from 8 to 50 mm). Depending on the purpose (working environment) plates are made of four types. 1 – dairy products, fish, meat (medium hardness); 2 – fats and oils, and products that contain fats, mayonnaise (soft, medium and high hardness); 3 – fruits, vegetables, juices, purees and canned food, beer, yeast suspension, drinking, carbonated and mineral water, kvass, sugar syrup and other soft drinks (soft, medium and high hardness); 4 – wine, vodka, cognac and other alcoholic beverages (medium hardness).